Liquid Exposure

May 7, 2022: 

In this article, I will introduce my explorations with cameraless photochemical film processes, among them cyanotype. I work with fabric, nontoxic chemicals, light, air, and water in order to engage with natural materials the environment is made of.

Focusing on metabolic conversions, I am particularly interested in the development of an approach which is based on the idea that all life is entangled. Fjord Fabric (2022) is part of a series of cyanotypes on fabric, which I make on the coast. Where the sea meets land. The cloth has been exposed on a beach in Trondheim, Norway. Seawater, stones, and algae are blueprinted:

Please find videos and analog films (scans) to the theme online:

Vimeo password: <corporealities>

Christina Lammer

ORCID: 0000-0001-9906-4095