Operating Hands...

June 28, 2018:

OBORO, Montreal – I spent a month as artist-in-residence at the artist-run center OBORO, www.oboro.net, in Montreal. In my entire life I never have had so much space. Turned the galleries and the studio into my working space. Shared work. Organized a life drawing session. Collaborated with a cardiac surgeon from Vienna who visited me for a week. Worked together with a Montreal based composer who uses large scale painting and drawing as source for his compositions. The team at OBORO was just great! They supported me in fantastic ways! OBORO has become my second home! Thank you! Find on Vimeo a selection of multiple exposure 16mm short films: Operating: 16mm color, 4 minutes, silent Washing: 16mm b&w, 4 minutes, silent Composing: 16mm b&w, 4 minutes, silent Crossroads: 16mm b&w, 4 minutes, silent Manicomio: 16mm b&w, 4 minutes, silent Christina Lammer The (scans of the) films are password protected. Please send me an email, if you like to see them: christina.lammer@corporealities.org. I'll immediately give you the password. Thank you!