
November 18, 2016:

Christina Lammer: Still images of Matters of the Heart II, 16 mm, 3' 45'', April 2016 Vienna – In the frame of Performing Surgery (2015-2018) I attended already more than twenty operations in various surgical fields with my camera. Among the surgeries were cardiovascular radiological interventions, operations on the open heart, thoracic and abdominal surgeries, an operation on the hip (total hip prosthesis), a hand surgery, an operation of the eye lid and, last but not least, spine and brain surgeries. I filmed the procedures partly with a digital camera (digital Bolex, Canon D5 Mark III) and with a legendary 16 mm Bolex. Short trailers of selected movies and still images shall be presented here on a regular basis. I aim at sharing my impressions of surgical procedures with the viewer. However I will add something to the particularly documentary look of video and film recorded observations. The aesthetic vocabulary that I develop is based on my feelings as a witness. I will put together assemblages and installation works, referring to the gestures and modes of expression of surgeons. Christina Lammer