Features (2010-2014)

March 1, 2010:

In 2010 we started with a new project about the practices of portraying in the fine arts and in plastic surgery. The Austrian Science Foundation and the Ministry of Sciences funded FEATURES: Vienna Face Project for three years. The study is located at the University of Applied Arts, at the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and at the Collections of the Medical University Vienna. Christina Lammer is project leader. Birgit Nemec and Katrin Pilz (historians) are co-workers. Manfred Frey, head of the plastic surgery unit, and Sonia Horn, director of the Collections, are cooperation partners. Elke Krystufek (artist), Sarah Pink (sociologist), Tamar Tembeck (artist and art historian), Bernadette Wegenstein (media scientist), and Artur Zmijewski (artist) are advisors.

Photograph: Christina Lammer, 2009

