
October 1, 2010:

FEATURES – Art + Medicine Dialogues 3raum Anatomietheater Vienna, October 2010 This panel was inspired by Tamar Tembeck’s work on autopathography. The Canadian art historian, performative artist and Corporeal Mime practitioner is collaboration partner within the FEATURES project. In June 2010 Tamar introduced the physical theater method Corporeal Mime in the frame of a movement workshop held in Vienna. She did her doctoral thesis on autopathography in the visual and performative arts. Last summer she curated an exhibition with the same title at the Tiroler Kunstpavillon in Innsbruck. I was invited to show a video installation with nine physicians of different clinical fields, which I had created within the research project CORPOrealities (2005-2009). Further exhibitions to the topic are planned in Montreal in 2012. Includes materials with a dialogue between Tamar Tembeck and myself. Video still: Christina Lammer