Anatomy Season

November 19, 2011:

London – the Anatomy Season, an innovative program that explores anatomy through the arts, organized by Clod Ensemble and supported by the Wellcome Trust, invited me to present video works at the Whitechapel Gallery in London on November 19 2012. In the frame of the event Screening the Body Roberta McGrath (social historian of art), Richard Wingate (neuroscientist), Nina Sellars (visual artist) and I discussed about diagnostic tools and moving images as sources of knowledge of the human body in medical culture and beyond. Eleanor Crook has made anatomical and pathological wax sculptures for The Royal College of Surgeons and the Science Museum and she is a fine artist. In the frame of the Anatomy Season she instructed laypersons how to work with wax. I was one of the participants of this wonderful workshop. Christine Borland’s hands: How do we understand the complex relationships between the self and other? Christine Borland is one of the Young British Artists. She investigates the above-mentioned question in biomedical institutions, creating a lively dialogue between medics and art. Photograph: Christina Lammer, 2011